Friday, January 28, 2011

The Little Boy 2

  It was with great relief they saw the great walls of Amylore rising up before them. The child had still not spoken a word in the few days they had been marching. They now crouched at the edge of a field, keeping close watch all around them for the ugly snarling visages of the Sharr who liked to walk up on their victims unannounced. They could see the gate, but they knew it would only be opened if it was safe to do so.
Lycosia motioned to the child to climb on her back and spoke softly.

"Little one, this may be a scary run, but trust me we will protect you. Do not let go of me for anything. Even if I should fall to the ground, do not let go."

The child nodded slightly, eyes wide. It was the first motion of acknowledgment she had gotten from him.

Cormac whispered, "Shall I tie my shield onto your back?"

"No, I am going to weave a spell."

Digging her heels into the ground Lycosia began whispering, weaving divine enchantments into a symbiotic presence. She placed the enchantments on all of them and a spirit rose up between them.

"I give you life..." it murmured.

They began moving among the bare edge of the field, creeping ever closer to the gate in Amylore's wall. It was a wall guard who first spotted them. Unfortunately the Sharr spotted them almost immediately afterward. In an odd presentiment of danger, Lycosia flung herself to the side as a shearing force of fire swept through the place she had been standing. The field began to burn.

"RUN!" shouted Cormac.

Lycosia sprinted as Cormac yanked an axe from his belt and swung it to keep the Sheharr at bay. Several times Lycosia had to leap to avoid attacks and when she was not successful she felt the burning pain of an arrow or a spell. The stalker cat snarled again and again, wanting to turn and fight, but the order had been clear to stay with his mistress and not fight. The boy whimpered and sometimes screamed with terror but did not let go. The gate was opened at the very last second and they bolted for it. A flurry of blows ensued between parties. Cormac knocked the Sheharrs weapon away as they reached the gate. A guard stepped out as Lycosia scrambled in and swung a sword at the filthy maw that gaped to envelope Cormac's leg. The flat of the blade rang against its teeth and it roared angrily. Moving faster than lightning the beast turned its attack and the soldier felt the pinching agony of those teeth in his own leg. He screamed. Bringing up the rear, the stalker stretched his interpretation of Lycosia's command and leaped on top of the Sharrs back long enough to dig his claws down through the fur into its skin. The Sharr let go and the guard and stalker flung themselves inside. The gate slammed shut.

Inside, Lycosia lowered her forehead to the sandy ground and concentrated on breathing. She felt the child still clutching her tightly, even as guards tried to pry him off of her back. They stopped as the stalker huffed and growled at them. Lycosia sat up and patted the childs hands.

"You can let go now. Let sit in my lap, let me see you."

The child transferred his grip, but still did not let go of her neck even when sitting in her lap. She made sure he did not have any wounds and then hugged him tightly.

"Cormac, are you well?"

"Well enough. Better than Esher here."

Lycosia felt the presence of a healer bustle between them and kneel by the guard. Within a few moments the wound on the guards leg began to hiss. The beasts saliva smoked away and the flesh began to pull together. It was not a painless process, but the guard made no sound. Within a few minutes his leg was healed solidly.

"Now perhaps you can tell us why you are here?" The captain of the guard asked.

Lycosia fished a strip of parchment from a side pouch and handed it up to the Captain.

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